
Sunday 10 February 2013

Together in love

This is the third time the door bell had chimed. The coo coo reverberated through the eerie hall way and I let out a silent curse. It must be the little ones from next door. Ignoring the chimes, I lay still. The ceiling fan above circulates the damp air. I love the dampness, the chill walls and the wet floors. Tiny droplets of water trickle down the window sills. My palms itch to touch the cool drops as i usually do. I try to lift my head, in vain.

Craning my neck I try to look at the rocker by the bed. He is there, as usual. His weary hands hold the scrap book. Does he ever get tired of it, I muse,  a slow smile curving my lips. The smile goes crooked, my lips twitch. Sensing my movement, he scrambles slowly to the bed, his hands still clutching the scrap book. With a stumble, he lands on the bed beside me. My husband- clumsy as usual. I smile again, the peculiar twitching now more pronounced. “ I know what you feel now”, he says, a twinkle in his eye.

The water flows in a unique pattern, marking an intricate odyssey of waves as I stand mesmerized. I am married! The sensation brings queasiness to my stomach. My insides thrum with energy that I never experienced before. Standing before the vanity mirror inn the bath, nervous, I tie and untie my hair. Wham. The light goes out. Power outage. 

As I struggle to train my eyes in the darkness, there comes a lone light through the door crevices. “ Don’t worry. Just a power outage. I have a candle for you”, comes his gruff voice. The tiny flicker radiates a warmth in the tiny room. Like him- warm, soothing and tranquil. Dressed up, as I come into the chilly room cooled by the sea breeze, he stands by the window sill. Towering six feet, clad in off white pajamas, he stands pensive watching the starry skies.

As instructed by mother, I light the diya as he stands watching me intently. Folding my hands, I murmur a small prayer as he watches astonishingly at me. Known to be someone who is not so conservative, I myself wonder why I ever listened to my mother. He motions to me to sit on the bed as we both fumble. Long lazy hours pass by as we murmur in soft voices, holding hands. I don't even have an inkling of what we said. May be those were promises- to live and die, together. A new start to a new life of togetherness, I think with glee, unaware of what the future has in store for us.

The light comes on and I try to focus on the face before me in vain. As the light fades again, all I can grasp is the whisper- “ It is a boy”. I want to sleep. Slip into oblivion. Hide in the darkness. But they wouldn’t let me. “ Speak…speak to him”, mother’s voice booms and I hate to listen to her. The mobile thrust in my hand trembles as his voice booms- “ Darling, how are you? I don’t want to talk more and disturb you. Take rest, baby. Love you.” Unable to decipher a thing, I close my eyes, aghast and tired. Love…such an amazing word….Yes, i love him- the husband!

To be continued...

p.s.: This story is total fiction and the characters have no resemblance to anyone living or dead :P
p.p.s.: This story series is my Valentine gift to all my readers in love.
p.p.p.s.: I am in love- hopeless romantic, that i am!


  1. The start is good and promises to be very interesting. Waiting for the successive parts with the story hopefully completed on Feb 14th.

    1. KP...Thank you. Very slow with the story. Kindly excuse!

  2. Interesting Start, waiting for the successive parts.

  3. Dreamy...could picture it all..waiting for the next

  4. Very emotional... "as instructed by mother...." i cud connect myself (just like many can , I guess) with the entire para :) Awaiting the continuation.

    1. Thank you Vaishnavi :) Next part will be out soon!

  5. Brilliant penning and coming at an apt time! Loved it CN, Eagerly awaiting to know what happens next :)

  6. Spellbound! You captured the emotions in words.

    Happy val day...waiting for the other part.

  7. A nice series at a perfect occasion. Release your next parts soon...

  8. blessings....
    nice, captivating....
    happy valentines...


  9. Waiting for the next sister.. I've to say this - you are a wonderful narrator.. Write a novel!

    Someone is Special

  10. What I loved in the narration is a mix of emotions, a little scared to go ahead but enjoying the love/attention. :)

  11. Ah.. apt gift for the Valentine's day indeed! Sorry I could not read it on THE day.. very sweet. all the three posts!


Hey, just let me know your feedback:)