
Sunday 13 November 2011

The week that was for Indian women...

Two news items caught my attention last week- One, Rajasthan's minister Maderna's involvement in a missing nurse case- very sleazy one that, and two, the murder of youngsters Keenan and Reuban, a case of eve teasing gone wild, in full public glare in Amchi Mumbai. The Rajasthani Minister's case was sen(x)ational one, with TV channels airing parts of sleazy CDs showing sexual overtures of Minister Maderna with the Dalit nurse Bhanwari Devi. She has been missing for almost two months now, probably murdered. Sadly, Maderna, though nailed by CBI, has been admitted to hospital with chest(!) pain in hospital. 

After Yeddyurappa, it is Maderna's turn to walk into the hospital, rather be wheeled into the hospital! Why doesn't the Government simply cut them open and conduct compulsory open heart surgeries? Seeing parts of the CD ( check link here) i could relate it to another sensational CD case, our own Swami Nityananda. Probably all porn sites should feature such amateur video CDs shot by 'unknown' people, they could cut down production costs, you see! Why does the press pounce on such CDs is anyone's guess- the TRP ratings. P7 and Sahara Samay has been pulled up by the Rajasthan High Court for repeatedly airing the CDs. Who worries anyway? PILs were filed against Sun TV network for airing Nityananda's CD- but we are yet to hear whereabouts of the case.

 I wonder why people with power and good public standing commit such sins(!) of coveting neighbours' wives. Saravana Bavan hotelier Rajagopal has been handed a life imprisonment in one such a case. He had ordered murder of Prince Shantakumar, husband of Jeevajyothi, the woman whom he took fancy to. Is this a deterrent to these men fancying other people's wives? NO. Success is something that churns out the sexual hormones in a frenzy...

Saravana Bhavan Rajagopal ( seated centre) and the woman wronged- Jeeva jyothi.

The other news that was deeply disturbing was murder of Keenan Santos and Reuban Fernandez in full public view- in the night streets of Mumbai. The two guys who were accompanying their women friends for a dinner in a Mumbai hotel. They were confronted by Rana, who sexually harassed the women friends, including Reuban's girlfriend in front of the hotel. Keenan and Reuban chased away Rana who was back with four of his friends armed with sticks, knives and sickles. With the whole neighborhood watching in horror, the two men who stood up for their women friends and their dignity were murdered in cold blood. Not a person watching, stood up for these poor men- ordinary men with ordinary dreams. The men who stood up for what they thought was right. Eve-teasing deaths do occur once in a while, but fade out soon, as the next death surfaces. 

Keenan and Reuban- the brave hearts
If this is the protection, respect and dignity that Indian women get in India today- why bauble on about 33% reservations for women? When rape in India has increased 800% in a decade, what good can our 33% reservation do? Nothing! Unless the society stops ostracizing women who stand up for themselves- women in India shall remain mere puppets, sans dignity.


  1. Nivedita, the Bhanwari devi case is a very sad example of how exploitation occurs in this country and the exploiters get away with it. About the "eve teasing" incident, I can only say that the word just trivializes what a woman goes through. You know there is no such word used in a foreign country. The word they use is SEXUAL HARRASSMENT.I am surprised that people stood around and watched. What nonsense! It could have been their girlfriends or sisters or wives... As usual you have raised a lot of interesting issues in this post. Keep bloggin!

  2. it is a topic to be discussed...dear
    there are lots of such examples were women keep on demanding justice,,,and often these case play around most of the ministers or their kins....and the worst part is of the judiciary in this country is that,,,the very moment any politician or so called 'powerfool' person is arrested,,they come up with a false story of chest pain or other disorder...which allows them a good stay at the hospital... of crse its the most easiest thing possible in a country were the terrorists are enjoying VIP treatment!!!! pity...

  3. The news of Keenan and Reuban's murder is shocking. How could people simply stand and watch it happening? I am at a loss for words. We can vent all we want now and blame the spectators, the society, police, government.. whatever.. but what good will that be now? I agree 100% with your last line.

    p.s - first time at your blog and am glad you wrote this!

  4. Rape is the fastest growing crime in India. That's the reality about modern India - the more it tries to change, the more it remains the same for it's women.

  5. @ Meera- very true, exploitation of women has increased manifold these days. What irks me most is how the culprits walk free, either it is marry thy rapist or get a compensation in most cases of rape. And as for eve- teasing we are yet to enforce a uniform national law to punish offenders. In this case, this is punishable by death.

    @ Madrasi- thanks for the comment. Yes, we keep on asking for rights, no use. We have to take it or better snatch it. I too wish justice is done to Keenan and Reuban.

  6. @ Girlatfirstavenue- Thanks for the visit and comment. Welcome to my blog:) It is indeed saddening that public these days are silent bystanders of any crime on the streets, especially in cities. Shocking:(

    @ Purba- Agree with you 100%, India just remains the same for its women- us! Thanks for the comment.

  7. Powerful continue to exploit women...and eve teasing needs strong laws. Or else lechers get away easily. There has to be a deterrent.

  8. @ Alka- thanks for the comment. Yes, more than six decades of Independence we women are still awaiting strict enforcement of laws against eve teasing:(

  9. 1. Re. The Rajastan nurse case if the nurse ws murdered??.. nd i think COURT has nothing to say on illegal affairs if they wer MAJORs.. i did nt track the news fully for its importance?!

    2.Why bring YEDIURA_PPA here?

    3.NITTY- like cine-stars these Corporates (?!) also gets a chance to exploit all fantasies of world. so we can't jus blame them from here..(until we sit on those chairsand get a chance to enjoy all the pleasures(?!) of world.

    4. HSB owner really pathetic.. ppl who had gone up in the Social ladder (particularly of yesteryrs) considers Polygamy as their achievemnt.(U go to Sivakasi all big heads have one big house and 1 small counterpart or adhoc or how ever u call it...
    and annachi's stmt of expresion of achievemnts skewd a bit..Now he had built up a PERUMAL temple and offering free food for many for his PUNNIYAM a/c

  10. Is there a solution 'NO'!! Is there going to be any changes? 'NO'!!

    We need a dictatorship with instant punishments for crimes of any sorts by people of any cadre! I would blame the whole system ! Unless this happens, India will take a evolution's time to change all these!!!

  11. Dat was a real insightful post.....its sad till we do more than the lip service towards women....n it includes the entire society.....Women r more then the flesh....n society has to educate the masses.....n act strongly!!!

  12. @ Naveen- thanks for the comment. Yes, urgently needed a dictatorship!

    @ Saptadeep- thanks a ton, yes, unless the society wards off its ambiguities towards women, there will be no big change:(


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